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Propolis Oil

6,00 €
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Samas kategoorias on veel 16 toodet :


89,00 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

Äärmiselt tõhus ussi- ja parasiitpuhastusvahend, mis sisaldab: kibedate ürtide kogumine (küürib käärsoole puhtaks, detokseerib keha, hävitab usse ja parasiite, tasakaalustab pH-d ja aitab vabaneda parasiitide suremise sümptomitest) Amaro Svedese 50ml intensiivne Parasiite puhastav tinktuur 


40,00 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

A velvety, rich body cream that intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It contains hemp oil, which has long been known as a source of vitamins and amino acids. May help protect against environmental damage and premature skin aging. Contains Glycerin, Vitamin E and Amino Acid, which can help maintain skin's moisture levels and improve elasticity, leaving skin looking soft and smooth.


55,00 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

A unique product that can strengthen your face and sensitive, problematic skin care routine. This luxurious product combines 5 natural oils.. Contains hemp (sativa) seed oil, a known alternative source of vitamins and amino acids that may help protect against environmental damage and premature skin aging. Jojoba oil, which may also have antioxidant properties. Skin softening avocado oil, nourishing macadamia oil. Moringa oil, which may stimulate the production of collagen and vitamin E. A blend of natural oil components designed to help maintain a younger, healthier and more radiant skin.

Ultimate Oil Booster can be used to enhance your favorite creams or you can use it alone. Suitable for chapped lips. No added fragrances or essential oils. Perfect for winter and harsh weather conditions.


52,00 €
Availability: 10 In Stock

Raviküünlad 20 tk pakis

Kõik tänu unikaalsed omadused taruvaik ja ASD, mis hetkel ravi hemorroidid on võimalik:vähendada valu, eemaldada turse, vabaneda sügelus ja põletustunne, Vähendada hemorroidid, sest taruvaik on suurepärane põletikuvastane toime, kiiresti paraneda haavad, kergpaigaldusplaadid infektsioon.Tänu oma antibakteriaalsete omadustega, taruvaik kaitseb jämesool


"Bee Power" Kehakreem meetoodete alusel

16,00 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

Kreem“Bee Power” põhineb naturaalsetel meetoodetel: niisutab, toniseerib, pehmendab, taastab naha sileduse ja elastsuse. Aitab kaasa nahavigastuste paranemisele, pehmendab armilist kude, stimuleerib kahjustunud naha regenereerimist.


21,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

Щелочная диета предназначена для:

  • людей с избыточным весом;
  • тех, у кого есть болезни суставов (подагра);
  • пациентов с мигренями и другими видами головной боли;
  • людей с повышенной нервозностью и бессонницей;
  • пациентов во время апатичных состояний и общей вялости в организме;
  • людей с высыпаниями на коже.
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