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Quinoa Peanut Butter
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Цветочный мёд – один из знаменитых и чудесных даров природы. Собирая нектар с цветущих растений, пчелы обогащают его со своими ферментами. Далее они складывают его в соты и превращают в полезный для человека пчелиный мёд.  В меде содержатся различные витамины, полезные микроэлементы, а также – железо, провитамин а-каротин, калий, кальций и многие другие важные для организма человека вещества. 

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Ways To Deodorize Vegetables And Fruits
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With Halloween creeping up and the weather starting to feel colder we want to inspire you to get a little bit creative in the kitchen this festive period, so weve treated you to a round-up of our favourite seasonal recipes from our most-loved foodie bloggers.
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Eat your fruits instead of drinking them
With Halloween creeping up and the weather starting to feel colder we want to inspire you to get a little bit creative in the kitchen this festive period, so weve treated you to a round-up of our favourite seasonal recipes from our most-loved foodie bloggers.
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Eat fresh berries instead of dried ones
With Halloween creeping up and the weather starting to feel colder we want to inspire you to get a little bit creative in the kitchen this festive period, so weve treated you to a round-up of our favourite seasonal recipes from our most-loved foodie bloggers.
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